KRS: 0000166381 >> Nr konta: 77 1050 1012 1000 0090 3123 4173


We are Spynka – story of Yana

This time we share a story of Yana, a mother of 3: Svitlana, 11 years old; Catheryna, 7 years old and Olexiy, 6 years old. Her youngest son is attending Spynka Day Care in Lublin. Yana is pregnant with 4th child. Spynka (Спинка) in Ukrainian means a spine or a chair’s…...

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We are Spynka – story of Liubov

After publishing Taisa’s story we spoke to Liubov. Liubov is a facilitator at the Spynka program since April 2022. She was born in Sumy, a rural region in northeastern Ukraine. She had been living in Kyiv for 47 years. Now she lives in Warsaw, where she arrived on the 4th…...

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